Monday, December 24, 2012

Father-and-son developers indicted in multimillion fraud scheme - St. Louis Business Journal:
Gary Rickert, Sr., 64, and Briahn Rickert, 29 of Creve Coeur, have been indictes by a federal grand jury on five felong counts ofbank fraud, three felony countse of money laundering and a forfeiture count involving personal and real property financed by the alleged the U.S. attorney’s office for Easterjn Missouri said. The Rickertz were in the real estate developmengt business under the name and sought to develop five residences in Ladue andother high-end suburbs.
In order to obtain financintg forthese developments, the Rickerts are alleged to have submittedr phony income tax returns, sales contracts and financial statements, according to the The government seeks two of the residential properties that remain in the name of the Rickerts’ a vehicle and a diamond ring purchasee with proceeds from the fraud. In all, at leastf $4.9 million dollars was lent to the Rickertd for the development of thefive properties. The five localo banks affectedare , , , and .

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