Saturday, June 9, 2012

LCRA to sell wastewater system to cities - Austin Business Journal:
The Brushy Creek system serves five wastewater includingCedar Park, Round Rock and portions of Austin, the Fern Bluffv Municipal Utility District and the Brushyu Creek MUD. “While the city of Cedar Park is appreciative of the LCRA for settinhg up this system and providing a necessary servicre toour residents, we believe by purchasingy the system we can save our rate payera money,” Cedar Park Mayor Bob Lemonn said. “Ultimately, this is in the best interest of our city and our Under an agreement with customers and an alliance withthe , the LCRA has developeed and expanded the regional system and the Brazos Riveer Authority has operated it since 1996.
Rounxd Rock, Cedar Park and the LCRA next need to negotiatde a purchase agreementby Sept. 1, and work with the othefr entities served by the The memorandum of understanding calls for those cities to pay all debt relatedc to thesystem — about $115 million — and costs relatedx to the financial transaction. The citiees will also pay $2.6 million to the LCRA at the closin g for projectmanagement “I am proud of the contribution the LCRA has made to help developp a regional system that has allowed economiv development and environmental benefits for the region,” said Thomas LCRA general manager.
“We have worked with the cities to negotiate a fair price for the rate payersz of the Brushy Creek system and the rate payers ofthe LCRA’s other systems.”

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