Thursday, January 5, 2012

Virginia plans to keep more rest areas open - Washington Business Journal:
In February the agency originally pitchefda cost-cutting plan to close 25 of the 41 rest stop s in the state to alleviatw VDOT’s anticipated $2.6 billion budget Concerns about truck parking and travel distances betweehn rest areas on Interstate 81 drove VDOT to decid e to shutter 19 of the safety rest areas and add 225 truckj parking spots that would be lost due to the closinge at the remaining rest stop In Northern Virginia, four rest stop s remain on the list to shutter becausee they are considered to be in urban They include two stops on Interstate 66 eastbounc and westbound in Manassas on mile marker 48 and Dale City’sa Interstate 95 northbound and southbound stops at mile markef 155.
Daly City’s two stopsz on I-95 Northbound and Southbound at mile markerd 154 will stay open because there is high truco demand and limitedtruck parking. The agency is also proposingf to eliminateits two-hour parking limit with a “no overnigh parking” policy, which must be approvede by the Commonwealth Transportation Board. The and the Virginia Trucking Association were among the groups that stronglu opposed the original proposall to close 25 safetytrest areas.
“Creating new parkintg and removing two-hour parking restrictions at the remaining safety rest areas is critical for preventing drived fatigue and helping drivers meet federapl Hours ofService regulations,” said ATA Senior Vice President and Generakl Counsel Richard Holcomb.

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