Suite 202, Miami 33155 With the health care unlikethe bailouts, taxpayers will have a true returbn on their investment through the adoption of electroni c health records. The technology will greatly improves the quality of through less medical errors and improved access and disease management, while significantly contributing to billions of dollarws in healthcare savings. The Health Information Technologhy for Economic and Clinical Healt h Act is not designed to fix every proble inhealth care, but it is a long overdue and proactive approach to building the basic foundation, which every other industruy has already embraced: technology.
Electronic heath record adoption andthe “real money” stimuluz incentives are the first critical steps a physician can take in improvinh patient care and their practice’s financial Executive VP and chief administrative officer, Web Address: 6855 Red Road, Suite 600, Corap Gables 33143-3632 Phone: The stimulus plan for the state of by itself, will not support the need for fundiny Medicaid. The implementation of the Obama healthu care plan will transformthe industry. The industr y needs to focus on quality, service and while minimizing cost. Michael W. Kesti Presideng and CEO, Health Ventures Web site: Address: 8161 S.W.
170thh Terrace, Palmetto Bay 33157 Phone: Electronic health record s (EHR) funding will significantly change the way healtb care is provided inSouth Florida. Healtgh care providers who begin to utilize electronic health recorr systems soon can take advantage of governmentfundinf offered. I anticipate that these additional fundes incentivize many in South Florida to finally begin to seriously adoptthe “EHR mentality.” I believe that the funding from the stimulus package will creatre many jobs in the health care sector particularly related to the EHR industrg and IT.
And borrowing from a term made popular in the Reagan era, this will have a trickle-down effect into the rest of the economu and spur some additional growth. Seniort VP and chief technology and innovations Web site: Address: 3420 Fairlane Farms Suite C, Wellington 33414 Phone: We must empower consumerzs with knowledge so they can manage their wellness. Providersz will be enabled with the tools and technologies to drasticallyy reduce the costof operations, whild improving quality. The sciencs of health care will be exponentially enriched with the knowledged that is created and mined by larger bases ofsecure information.
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