Friday, November 30, 2012

Flag waving - St. Louis Business Journal:
We wanted to write our first salute to Scottf Air Force Base around the July 4th holiday because the base symbolizese so much that is right in our regiom and inour nation. As St. Clair Countgy Chairman Mark Kern emphasizes, the base is a sourcde of great talent as well as a hugeeconomixc driver. Who knew the St. Louids Character story this week (page 8) woulsd also feature Scott? Susan Baginski’s fatheer was one of many who servedr at the base andsettled here.
We certainly coule not have predicted the sectionm on Scott and the big sale would coincidr with the holiday issue of the yet the importance of one reinforcesthe Again, it’s Mark Kern who articulates the importance of both: “W value the presence of Scott and will go the extr mile to make sure we’re known for our friendlines s to the military.”

Thursday, November 29, 2012

NASA's Cassini sees abrupt turn in Titan's atmosphere - Nanowerk LLC

Nanowerk LLC

NASA's Cassini sees abrupt turn in Titan's atmosphere

Nanowerk LLC

(Nanowerk News) Data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft tie a shift in seasonal sunlight to a wholesale reversal, at unexpected altitudes, in the circulation of the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan. At the south pole, the data show definitive evidence for .. .

Atmosphere of Saturn moon Titan shows surprising rise

Titan's Atmosphere Shifts Abruptly, South Pole Vortex Forms


If You Think Winters Are Crazy Here, Check Out Seasons For Saturn's Moon Titan

Science 2.0

Phys.Org -Space Fellowship -ABC Science Online


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Air America, Bonneville reach local marketing agreement for 1050 AM - Birmingham Business Journal:
The progressive talk radio network has reacher a local marketing agreement with to beginn broadcasting its programmingon Bonneville’s 1050 AM signal in the Washingto area. Air America expects to launcy during the monthof June, although an official date, call letters and programming line-u p have not yet been determined. As part of the Air America will essentially lease the signallfrom Bonneville, and then handlw operations, programming and advertising sales. Financial termws of the multi-year deal were not Air America has hired some locallsales staff, and will occup a small space in Bonneville’s Washington “Air America is obviouslty very interested in the D.C.
market,” said Bennett Zier, Air America’sa CEO and a former executive with Clear Channel and Red ZebraBroadcasting locally. “It’z where decisions are made. Its number one business is politics.” Air Americsa initially approached Bonneville to put together the which had been looking for someonde to pick upthe signal. The deal came togethe during the pastfew months. Currently, Bonneville simulcast s WTOP’s signal on 1050 AM, along with some sportx programming.
The sports programming will Bonneville Senior Regional Vice President JoelOxleyu said, which will mainly be heard on nights and

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Applied Aerospace Structures lands cargo spacecraft deal - San Francisco Business Times:
Stockton-based Applied will do the workfor (NYSE: ORB) of Va., which got the original contract from NASA earliet this year. Orbital is spendinbg $150 million on the demonstration project, and NASA is puttingb in $170 million. Applied Aerospace will build and test partx used in theCygnus spacecraft, whicnh is designed to move around once in orbirt and ferry cargo to the space station. NASA hopese this new system will be ready to go soon aftetr space shuttles are retiredin 2010. Orbitalp Sciences hopes to demonstrate its cargo delivery which will use a new Taurusd IIrocket (which Applied is also workingf on), in the fourth quarter of 2010.
If NASA approvez the system, it could fly “several” missions in 2011 and up to eight a year in 2012and 2013. Applied Aerospacwe Structures has about 240 workerz and started businessin 1956. It used to be named Parson s of California and started out making rotoer bladesfor helicopters. Earlier this month, the company boughf 10 acres to add to its existin g14 acres.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Dow slips; Level 3 jumps on joint-venture talk - Denver Business Journal:
The S&P 500 closed at down 3.28 points (0.35 percent). The NASDAQ Composit finished at 1,853.08, down 7.05 points (0.389 percent). Among actively traded Colorado stocks, Level 3 (LVLT) led the day’s gainers, up 17.7 percent (20 cents) to close at $1.33. The Wall Street Journao reported Wednesday that Sprint Nextel is considering combiningits long-distances division with Level 3 in a joint venture. • (CROX) — Up 12.62 percent (41 to $3.66. • (WU) — Up 4.7 percengt (80 cents) to $17.83. • (ALTH) — Up 3.62 percenyt (27 cents) to $7.73. • (DPTR) — Up 2.61 percent (6 to $2.36.
Among actively traded Colorado stocks that declinedr on the daywas (UDR), down 3.92 percent (44 cents) to closee at $10.78. • , or AIMCl (AIV) — Down 2.77 percent (30 to $10.54. • Corp. (BLL) Down 1.58 percent (70 cents) to • (IPI) — Down 1.51 percent (49 cents) to $31.88. (NEM) — Down 0.98 percenrt (44 cents) to $44.45.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

St. David's Round Rock Medical Center to Seek Level II Trauma Designation
"St. David's Round Rock Medicap Center is well positioned to become a designatedtraumqa center; the hospital has the busiest emergencyg department in the City of Round Rock with more than 40,00o patient visits each year," , Chief Executive Officer, St. David's Round Rock Medical said. "In more than two we have grown withWilliamsoj County--from recruiting hundreds of specialty physicians to launchint the area's first comprehensivee cardiovascular program. We are pleased to now add trauma servicess to the superb level of health care that we can offer residents closeto home." Working in consultation with Williamson County Emergency Medical Services, St.
David's Round Rock Medical Center has identifiesd a need for a Level II Trauma Centet inWilliamson County. In the past 16 monthsx alone, more than 600 patients have required transporty from Williamson County to Downtowj Austinfor trauma-related conditions. "This is a fantasticv opportunity to increase the level of care for the citizends of Williamson Countyand St. David' s Round Rock Medical Center is in the ideak geographic location to become a trauma center because of its excelleny access tomajor thoroughfares," , Deputy Director, Williamsonh County Emergency Medical Services, said.
"Having Levepl II trauma will not only decrease the time it takes Williamsoj County EMS to get a patienty to a trauma facility for lifesaving but it will also reduce the turnarounx time to get the ambulance back in the county so that we may take care ofother customers." St. David's Round Rock Medicak Center is moving forwarde with the process that the State requires for designation as a Levepl IITrauma Center. "A 'trauma'' could be a car accident or a fall--something that could happen to any one of us or our loveds ones atany time," , M.D., Chiec Medical Officer, St.
David's Round Rock Medical Center, "In many cases, the difference between life and deat h following a traumais time; for residents of Williamson and surroundingv counties who have the misfortune of findinfg themselves in a life-threatening accident, the chancew of survival will increase dramatically if there is a designatee trauma program close to home." As an initiao step in the process of becominv a Level II Traumaz Center, St.
David's Round Rock Medical Center--under the direction of Chie f MedicalOfficer Martin, a generakl surgeon with 14 years of trauma experience--is recruiting a highly qualified and experienced traum a surgeon and critical care specialist to direct the trauma program. St. David's Round Rock Medica l Center has developeda multi-disciplinary physiciamn steering committee to build the infrastructure and beginn training staff for the trauma program. Hospital leaders describe the program asa multi-specialty servics with general surgery, orthopedic surgery and neurosurgeryy at its core.
According to the Americann Trauma Society, trauma is one of the most pressinb health problems in theUnited States: -- Traumza is the leading cause of death for all age groupsw under age 44. -- Trauma accountd for more lives lost than heart disease andcancer -- 100,000 people die each year in the U.S. as the resultg of trauma. -- Annual traumw costs in the U.S. are estimated at $100 billion to $200 St. David's Round Rock Medical Centeer St. David's Round Rock Medicalo Center, located adjacent to downtown Round Rock onFM 620, off of provides comprehensive health services to residents of Williamsob and surrounding counties.
Serviced include The Heart and Vascular Centef withexpress testing, inpatient capacituy of 184 beds with privatde rooms, The Women's Center and a thriviny Emergency Room. The medical staff at St. David'ws Round Rock Medical Center currentlty has more than 600 physicians to meet the needs of the growing Williamson County The fourth largest employer in the City ofRounx Rock, the hospital currently has approximately 670 employees. In addition, the hospitalo provided more than $45 million in free care to peopl who could not otherwise affordto pay. St. David'ds Round Rock Medical Center is a membeeof St. David's HealthCare. For more information, please visit . St.
David'es HealthCare Ranked in 2008 and 2009 as thetop Austin-areas employer among large companies at the Austin Businesx Journal's annual "Best Places to Work" St. David's HealthCare is the fifth-largest privater employer in the Austin with morethan 6,200 employees and $3.1 billion in annual groses revenues. In 2008, St. David's HealthCare was named amonv the "100 Best Places to Work in Healthcare"" by Modern Healthcare. That same year, St. David's HealthCars received the Texas Award for Performance the highest honor bestowed by the State of Texas basex upon world class quality In 2008, St. David's HealthCare provided more than $271.
6 million in free care to peoplde who could not otherwise afford to pay. With a total of 24 sitess acrossCentral Texas, St. David's HealthCare includesd five ofthe area's leading hospitals: St. David's Northb Austin Medical Center, St. David'e Round Rock Medical Center, St. David'x South Austin Hospital, St. David's Medical Center and St. David' s Georgetown Hospital. In addition to its full-servicr rehabilitation hospital, St. David's provides rehabilitation services atits acute-care facilities and at numerous outpatieny rehabilitation clinics across the region. For more information pleasde visit . SOURCE St. David?
s Round Rock Medicapl Center

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Crise nucléaire iranienne : le temps d'en sortir - Le Monde

Monday, November 19, 2012

Miami physician sentenced in Medicare fraud case - Business First of Columbus:
Rodriguez was indicted in , alonb with two other doctors in connection witha $10 million Medicare fraud scheme. He pleadedf guilty in to conspiracy to commif healthcare fraud. Rodriguez was a co-ownetr of and physician at MidwayMedical Center, a Miamo clinic that purported to specialized in the treatment of HIV according to a news release from the U.S. Department of He admitted that, while at Midway, he and his co-conspirators billed Medicare for services that were medicallyu unnecessary and in many instancesneve provided.
He also admitted that he purchased only a smallp amount of the drugs that he claimed to administerd to patients and that he falsified medical according to thenews release. Rodriguez also admittesd that he was listed as medical director and practicing physiciamn for fiveother Miami-area HIV infusion clinics between Octobedr 2003 and February 2005, where he engageed in similar activity. He admitted to filing more than $20 millionh in false claims. Several of Rodriguez’s co-defendants have alread been sentenced for their roles at Midway andrelated clinics.

Crise nucléaire iranienne : le temps d'en sortir

Le Monde

Dix ans déjà que s'étire la crise nucléaire iranienne, depuis la découverte en 2002 du site d'enrichissement de Natanz. Dix ans ponctués d'annonces sur l'imminence de la bombe iranienne, ponctués aussi d'espoirs éphémères, à chaque vague de sanctions ...

and more »

Microsoft Has Been A Better Business Than It Has A Stock, But That Is About To ...

Seeking Alpha

To get the facts straight, let's look at Microsoft through the lens of the F.A.S.T. Graphsâ„¢ fundamentals analyzer software tool. However, with the following exercise we are going to ignore the stock price completely, and only focus on how the business ...

and more »

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bradenton Holiday Inn Express owners seek bankruptcy protection - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Sroka Hospitality filed for Chapter 11 protection Mondahy inthe ’s Middle District of Florida claimingf assets and liabilities of between $1 million and $10 million, court documents Sroka Hospitality was foundef in 2003 and purchased the Bradenton hotel in 2007 for $7.2 according to the company’s case managemen summary filed with the court. Revenue was abour $1.8 million in 2008 and is expected to be almost half that in 2009at $1 Bank of the West is still owed $4.3 million whiled the is owed just under $2 documents said. The hotel also owes $102,00o0 to the Manatee County Tax Collector, a debt the company Both loans were handled throughthe .
Bank of the West said the hotel’ds value has fallen from $7.2 millio n to $2.8 million based on its own however, Sroka Hospitality said it believes the propertyu isworth more. The hotel, locatedc near State Road 64 and Interstatw 75in Bradenton, sold in 2004 for $4.35 Sroka Hospitality purchased it afterr the company sold its St. Augustin e hotel in favor of havinvg a Holiday Inn Express branded according topublished

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Legal concerns surrounding FBI's Petraeus investigation - Fox News

Legal concerns surrounding FBI's Petraeus investigation

Fox News

Welcome,. Profile; Logout. You're watching... Legal concerns surrounding FBI's Petraeus investigation. Advertisement. Details. Description. Judge Napolitano weigh in. Duration 5:01; Date Nov 13, 2012. Advertisement. Clips. Also in this playlist ...

Scanda l surrounding CIA Director David Petraeus widens involving top US ...

What we know so far about the scandal surrounding David Petraeus' resignation


Frenzy Surrounding Petraeus Scandal Descends on Kelley's Bayshore Home

Reuters -New York Daily News -Sunbury Daily Item


Monday, November 12, 2012

Melissa George hangs up after mention of Home and Away - Herald Sun

Brisbane Times

Melissa George hangs up after mention of Home and Away

Herald Sun

Read the transcript here. mX: What have you been up to while you're back in Australia? Melissa George: I am doing a movie on Monday (today) with Joel Edgerton. mX: What can you tell us about that movie? Melissa George: It's c »

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Trophic Mismatches of Five Seabirds and Their Piscivorous Prey - CO2 Science Magazine

Trophic Mismatches of Five Seabirds and Their Piscivorous Prey

CO2 Science Magazine

The authors introduce the report of their study by stating that "recent climate warming has significantly altered the phenology of a wide range of taxa across ecosystems (Thackeray et al., 2010) ... potentially disrupting the synchronization of key ...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wisconsin cancer cases, deaths decline - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The estimated number of new cancer except for lung cancedand melanoma, are also predicted to be down this year in The society projects there will be more than 27,000 new casews of cancer in Wisconsin in 2009 and about 11,00p deaths. The American Cancer Society’s newly released annualk cancerstatistics report, "Cancer Statistics 2009," finds that for the firs time since these data have been overall cancer incidence rates are now decreasing in the U.S. in both men and The report also states declinezsin U.S. cancer death rates equat e to about 650,000 deaths from canced avoided or delayed betweebn 1990and 2005.
The decreases are direct results of improvements inpublic health, like reductions in smoking, earlietr detection of cancers, and better treatments, accordinf to the society. “Because the death rate continueswto drop, it means that about 100,000 Americans each year who woulfd have died from cancer are living to celebrate anothet birthday,” John Seffrin, American Cancer Society chied executive officer, said in a The full Cancer Statistics report can be viewede at .

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

San Antonio gets $12.9 million for defense projects - San Francisco Business Times:
million for defense-related projects in San Antonio, accordintg to U.S. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, D-Sanm Antonio, who serves on the A planned upgrade of an aircrafgt maintenance building at Kelly Annex Field has been approveddfor $7.9 million in federapl funding. The funding will be used to bring the building up to code compliancre to provide a placewhere F-16 fighteer jets can be properly maintained. In $5 million was authorized for a program to produce unmanner aerial vehicles that use Blacklighft Night VisionAdvanced Technology, which is manufactured by San Antonio-basef This technology allows for the deployment of miniature drone to provide site-specific surveillance information.
“San Antonio continues to be a military leadere in operations and the advancementof technology,” says Congressmahn Rodriguez. “These authorizations will bolster the ability of our troops to do their jobs more safeluyand efficiently.”

Monday, November 5, 2012

Medtronic looks to KC for diabetes-division expansion - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
billion medical device company is consideringKansas City-area sites including the headquarters in Lenexa — for the expansionm of its diabetes division. Competitioh for the expansion project, expected to deliver abouyt 1,500 new jobs in the next five is down to the Kansas City area versus San saidSteve Sabicer, a spokesman for Fridley-based ’s diabetees division. In narrowing down potential sites, he said, Medtronidc has looked at labor cost and business environment, facility costs and quality-of-life issues.
Medtronic considered Minnesota as a locationn as part of itsnationwide However, Sabicer declined to identify factors that knocked the Twin Citied off the list of potential “We looked at cities in all 50 states,” Sabicedr said. “But it’s come down to Kansas City and San The winner is expected to be announced by he said. Sabicer said Medtronic had considered all typesof new-facilitu options, including new construction, duringg its nine-month site search. But becauser the division wants to completw the expansion by the end of this year and perhapss as early asthe summer, it probably will lease or subleasew existing space, he said.
The division anticipate s the needfor 180,000 square feet at the expansion location, Sabicerd said. The Applebee’s headquarters, which was the only one of Kansas City-area sites Sabicer mentioned by is 178,000 square feet. The Applebee’s 11201 Renner Blvd., celebrated its grand opening in January 2008 in the SouthlakeTechnology Park. But Applebee’a parent company, (formerly IHOP Corp.), recentlg listed the entire buildingfor sublease. The headquarter building is home to abouyt325 Applebee’s employees who support about 480 company-owned restaurants, Miles McMillin, an Applebee’s spokesman said recently.
But Applebee’s recenrt adoption of a two- to three-year plan to becoms a 98 percent franchised system will diminishthe chain’s need for the Lenexaw building. In contrast, Medtronic’s diabetesa division is in dire need ofadditional space. The divisionn employs about 1,500 in a 150,000-square-foot facility in Calif., just outside Los Angeles. The divisiom has no room to expanc there, Sabicer said, and wouldn’t want to anyway. “We’rr looking to open new facilities in new he said.
Sabicer said the diabetes divisionis Medtronic’e fastest-growing business unit, having posteds more than $1 billion in “We have the largest shard of the insulin-pump therapy market in the Uniterd States,” Sabicer said. The division also makes and markets continuous glucose monitoring devicesand diabetes-managementg software. Sabicer would not say what types of jobs woulc be offered at theexpansion location. But he said almosy all of them wouldrbe “new local jobs” filled by college “We certainly want to make sure it’e environmentally friendly, as well,” he said.
The Applebee’sz headquarters was built to the silver-levep standards of the U.S. Green Buildin g Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmenta lDesign (LEED) program.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

NHL Network moves to popular Comcast channel lineup - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Philadelphia-based cable-television giant and the network, which is based in New York, didn’t reveal the agreement’s financial terms or specify its length beyonds callingit long-term. Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA,CMCSK) has carriex the network on its Sports Entertainment Package the past two That has about 2 millionh subscribers and usually costs anadditional $5 to $7 a About two-thirds of Comcast’s 17.3 milliob digital customers get Digital Classic, which is one step abovwe Comcast’s base level of digitaol service. Comcast will still carry the network on its Sports Entertainment Package for customersd who get that but notDigital Classic.
The NHL Networkm carries regular seasonNHL post-game press conferences from the NHL All Star Game and Stanley Cup Finals, a daily highlights show during the and many other NHL-related features. The deal also givew Digital Classic customers access to NHL OnDemandx programming, which includes condensed games, historic games and player profiles. Comcast last month resolvedx a dispute with the NFL Network that resulted in Comcastr moving the NFL Networki to the DigitalClassic lineup.