Friday, October 21, 2011

Ritter certifies RTD, Fastracks projects for stimulus funding - Denver Business Journal:
The bulk of the newly certifiedr projects involvethe Denver-based and its FasTracks rail-transi t initiative and would receive $58 million in stimuluw funding. The latest certification by Ritter, announced is the fourth set of Colorado projects to be added to the list of those eligible for funding throughthe "American Recovery and Reinvestmenr Act." Under the terms of the act, the governor in each stat e must certify that a project is appropriater for stimulus funding and ready to begin construction.
Colorado'e total list now includes transportation and transit projects that qualif for anestimated $481 million from the stimulus program, out of the $500 milliom that Colorado is expected to receive for such Work on the first few transportation projectas is expected to begin in May. Amonhg the RTD items added to the list Fridagis $17.1 million to purchase new fareboxeas for the transit system's bus fleet. RTD says its existinvg fareboxes are 25 years oldand outdated, addinb that it need new ones to allow it to accepft "smart cards" and better manage The list also includes $9.
8 million for improvementa to Denver's Union Station, whichg serves as a transit hub linkinfg bus and rail lines.

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