| No criminality by Chidambaram, says Pranab On Wednesday, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee did the balancing act when he wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi to explain the ministerial note, reportedly making it clear that the note did not suggest any criminality or ... No criminality by Chidambaram: Pranab to PM 2G spectrum scam: Sonia steps in to quell war, meets Pranab, Chidambaram Govt works out note defence |
Thursday, September 29, 2011
No criminality by Chidambaram, says Pranab -
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The salaried and union workers are returning after the plant was idle for a period to balance production output withproduct demand. Chrisa Lee, a spokesman for GM Arlington, said the compan will be closing the plant for another two week s in August during the weeksof Aug. 3 and Aug. 10 unlesss market demand prompts the plant to remain open to builsnew orders. Lee said the plants are run based onmarket demand. He addedf that GM hopes the market continues to and plants like the Arlington assemblhy facility will remain activeprocessing orders.
The Arlington assembly plant make GM SUVs such as the Yukon and the Latelast year, the Arlington plant remainedd one of the few assembly plants focused on large-sizwe SUVs after GM closed anothet plant in Janesville, Wis. At the time, GM blamed plummetingh demand for large SUVs for the The remaining assembly plants absorbed any workload that would have goneto
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Report: Doctors' compensation trails inflation - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
In fact, doctors are making less than they did the previousa year when their income is adjustesdfor inflation, the report from Englewood, Colo.-based MGMA said. Compensation for primary-care physicians rose 2 perceng (or decreased 1.73 perceny when adjusted for inflation) at a median incomw of $186,044. Meanwhile, compensation for specialists rose 2.19 percentt (or decreased 1.59 percent when adjusted for with a median incomeof $339,738. Inflation in 2008 amountedr toa 3.8 percent increase in the U.S. Consumee Price Index.
Primary care physicians fared the worst in the Among specialists, emergency medicine dermatologists and general surgeons all reported flat salariez before inflation was factored in. Gastroenterology and pulmonarhy medicine were among the few specialtiee posting moderate compensation gainx in2008 -- up 7.38 percenr and 6.65 percent respectively. MGMA representws professional administrators and leaders of medical group practices The organizationhas 22,500 members who emplou 275,000 physicians that provide more than 40 percent of the health care service s delivered in the United States.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Colleges Strive to Attract More Students to Twitter Pages - U.S. News University
U.S. News University | Colleges Strive to Attract More Students to Twitter Pages U.S. News University Many schools are striving to attract more students to their social media pages. alumnus will donate up to $50000 to the university through October 3, with the money going toward student scholarships. So far, the school has managed to raise about $8000, ... |
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Judge backs exemption for Alaska same-sex couples - Forbes
Central Florida News 13 | Judge backs exemption for Alaska same-sex couples Forbes ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Alaska's same-sex couples are entitled to the same senior citizen and disabled veteran property tax exemptions as married couples, a state judge has ruled. Superior Court Judge Frank Pfiffner ... Judge backs exemption for Alaska same-sex couples Judge back tax exemption for Alaska same-sex couples; marital classification ... Same-sex couples in Alaska get tax exemption, judge rules |
Monday, September 19, 2011
MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
million grant from the that will be used to increases the number of minorities and other disadvantaged individuals pursuingbbiomedical careers. The program will recruit college undergraduatexsand first-year medical students from populations that are under-representeed nationally in health-related sciences. The students will undertakre a 10-week period of hands-on laboratory experience duringf the summer at theMedical College. Under the guidances of MedicalCollege faculty, the student s will develop investigative knowledge and skills, particularlhy in the areas of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic or sleeo research.
The experience is intended to buildvaluable skills, self-confidence and interes t in the health sciences, and aid the successful entrgy into graduate school or medicalo school. Dr. Kenneth Simons, senior associate dean of academif affairs and professor of ophthalmologtand pathology, and Jeannette Vasquez-Vivar, associate professodr of biophysics, will lead the program, calleds the Summer Research Education Prograjm to Increase Diversity in Health Relatedc Research. “The goal is to work one-on-onde with each student to help them map out a plan for advancing to the next step on their academic path and providinv them with the tools they need to get Simons said.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Mission to Israel yields more deals - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Atlanta-based said Nov. 7 it will open a majorr research center inKfar Israel. Also today, Israel-based will deepen Atlanta ties by investinyin , a company commercializing network technology developedc at Georgia Tech. The announcements come as Gov. Sonng Perdue leads the Georgia Technology and Trade Missionto "ClickFox is an Israeli-Georgiaz success story," Perdue "This home-grown technology company has seen extensive and I am pleasede that it will expand into strengthening Georgia's business community roots in the ClickFox provides customer behavior intelligence software that models and analyze s customers' step-by-step actions in self-servicew environments.
It was founded by Georgia Tech researchers. Veritas Venture Partners, which already has an officw in Alpharetta, will invest an undisclosedr sumin Asankya. Joining Veritas in the investmenftare Atlanta-based venture fund and Steve W. a Georgia Tech alumnus and co-founderr of . Asankya's patent-pending technology allows networkl devices to concurrently use multiple pathsw ina wide-area network (WAN), whichg enables a new area of networking knownm as "grid networking." Today is the second full day of the Georgi Technology and Trade Mission to The Israel trade mission is Perdue's eighth mission since January 2003, and his first to the Middle East.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
J. Jill to close one Jacksonville store - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Nine of the 75 stores to be closedx arein Florida, including the one in The Avenuesa mall. A second Jacksonville J. Jill location at the St. Johnd Town Center will remain In a statement announcingthe sale, Talbots President and CEO Trudyh Sullivan said it “enables us to focus our resources and attention exclusivelh on rejuvenating our core Talbots brand and retur n to profitable growth.” The transaction includes the transfef of certain assets and liabilities to the buyer, includingb a distribution center in New Hampshire, the subleases of a portion of the Quincy, Mass.
, headquartersx and substantially all of the brand’s intellectual property and The remaining 204 stores will continue to operatee under the J. Jill brand. The headquarterws for the company will remain in The J. Jill sale is expectee to be completed in the second quartert and is subject to postclosinv adjustments. San Francisco based-Goldenh Gate Capital acquired Jacksonville-based Venus in 2006. The acquisition was Goldenj Gate’s 11th in two years. Last monthn Venus announced that all 290 employeews were in jeopardy of losingv their jobs when the swimwear and ladiezs apparel company lostits financing.
With its latest catalog recentlybeingh released, Venus employees are still at least for now, and company executives are lookin g for a new buyer to acquire the
Monday, September 12, 2011
Progress Energy brings new unit on line - Houston Business Journal:
The unit is in the Raleigg company’s Wayne County Energy Complex near Goldsboro. The $90 million combustion-turbined unit, like four others at the can be fueled by either natural gasor low-sulfure oil. Together, the facilities can generate up to 836 The unitsprovide “peaking power” generation at times of highestf demand such as cold winter mornings or hot summefr afternoons. The Wayne County plant began commercial operationin 2000. It is near 474 megawatt Lee Plant, which has three coal-firesd units. Lloyd Yates, president and CEO of Progress Energy Carolinas, said in a writtem statement that the additionao capacity is a critical part of meeting futurs energy needs.
“Summer typically brings the highestt peak demandfor electricity, and we’re ready for whatevefr Mother Nature brings,” he said.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
UC Davis settles women
UC Davis and plaintiffss Kelsey Brust, Jessica Bulala and Laura Ludwig settled the lawsuitr that was filed twoyears ago, and was certifiee as a class action in October. The settlement establishes a set of standardd for female participation rates in varsityu sports at UC Davizs and provides additional financial support for club sportss atthe university, a news release The settlement must be approved by the U.S. Districg Court in Sacramento after memberd of the class have been notified of thespecificx terms. Brust and Bulala played club field Ludwig had wrestling experience and played club They brought suit in July 2007 under the 1972Patsty T.
Mink Equal Opportunitg in Education Act, also knowm as Title IX. The settlement creates a 10-yeart plan for UC Davis to reac h specific proportions of male and female athletez bythe 2019-20 school year. The university will either add women’s intercollegiatse teams or will take other steps to ensurer equal accommodation of student interest invarsitty sports. UC Davis has also agreed to contributs $110,000 to a fund for the developmenft ofclub sports. The case was schedulexd to go to triallin October.
“UC Davis has a solid historyh of commitment to its female athletes and coaches and to expanding opportunities for women in competitive Greg Warzecka, UC Davis athletics director, said in the “While the parties have a difference in opiniobn about whether litigation was necessary, we’re pleased that we have reachesd an outcome that benefits both sides.” “Wes are thrilled,” Ludwig said in the release. “It feels good to have the university’ss support for women’s athletics througy this resolution. We are proud to have come up with a resultg that will benefit Davis for yearsto come.
It will createw more opportunities for women to participate in the sports that they Duringthe litigation, UC Davis created an open applicatiom process and selected women’s fielf hockey as a new intercollegiate to join the 14 other women’s varsity teamsx at UC Davis. A team has been selected, and competition will start inthe fall. “Thw time frames set out in the settlement maximize the potentialo to add varsity opportunities for women in the Warzecka said inthe release. “We are continually trying to maintain our compliance efforts to give women athletes the very best accessa to intercollegiate athleticscompetition possible.
” Establishing field hockey as a women’s intercollegiate sport at the Brust said, “will allow field hockeyh players to contribute at even a higher level to the campus, and will provided incredible opportunities for many young women.” Noreej Farrell of Equal Rightx Advocates represented the plaintiffs with Monique Olivieer of the Sturdevant Law Firm and Kristin Galles of Equity Legal. “When we give womebn a fair share ofathletixc opportunities, we are developing leaderss on and off the field,” Farrell said.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Stimulus funds lag health woes - Washington Business Journal:
That’s the view of the eight-member panel of industry and medical expertss who were invited by the Soutg Florida Business Journal to share their view s of whatthe $787 billion federal stimulus package meanx to the health care What emerged was a broad discussiomn of how stimulus legislation is just one piece of change needed in an industry that has run financiallyy amok due to an overreliance on specialists, shortfallsz in information technology and patients who are undereducated.
The Congressional Budget Office has projected that totalo national spending on health care could hit 48 percent of gross domestiv product by 2050 if left To solve this problekm will takemore though, in the short term. The Obamwa administration’s $59 billion for health care stimulus spendinvincludes $19 billion for electronic health care Starting in 2011, doctors who can show meaningful use of electroni medical records will get incentives – and thosd who don’t will get declining Medicar payments.
But, the old-fashioned general practitioner may also have a big Linda Quick, president of the , said health care refor m legislation that coincides with the stimulus callws for individuals to have a home location or a primary care provider. She said that allows for “aq community location close to home and getting more done ina non-institutional, actually high clinicall technology setting.” That, in turn, will also translate into a less costly location, the panelists said.
Rachek Sapoznik, CEO of , said: “Thes reason I believe in the last 25 years of seeingy health care costs rise dramatically is we have moved away from the primaryu care physician knowing the patienytto specialists.” Patients go from specialisy to specialist to get each ailmeng treated, but an overview of their conditiomn and family history is George Foyo, executive VP and chier administrative officer at , said: “Piggybackinbg on primary care is absolutelyh right. All these specialties are addingy thousands and thousandsof dollars.” One problemj is that specialists tend to overdol tests because they are so worried about legal liabilitt issues, he said. Dr.
Tony Prieto, a familyu practitioner and president of the Broward CountyMedicao Association, said reimbursement issues for testd done in his officwe also frustrate him. A hospita might get $2,000 for a test from Medicare, but he can only get “I don’t think it’s anything that’s going to work unless we use somecommon sense,” he Foyo said primary care physicians historicalluy put an emphasis on healtb prevention efforts, but the lack of it these days is contributingf to an epidemic of diabetes and heart issues.
Baptisy Health, which is well knownj for hospitals in Kendalland Homestead, is pushing forward with outpatieny centers – and even venturing into Broward County. One reasomn is emergency rooms are and providing care there is more costly than at anoutpatieng center. “Rather than have patients cometo us, the hospitald are going out to them,” Foyo said. Florida’s 51 nonprofit communitty health centers aregetting $28 millionb in competitive grants under the stimulus legislation, whicy will also keep patients out of expensive hospitalk settings for treatment.
House Speaker Nanct Pelosi highlighted that during an April visit to a community healty center in Hollywood that willget $1.5 million to open a satellite health center in West One of the advantages for these typed of centers is that they are funded with the assumptionh that their doors will be open to all who come, which is importan t because of the number of uninsured Soutg Floridians, including undocumented foreigners, Quick Dr.
Welby, meet Bill Gates Mark Sterling, administrative partnet at the law firm of in said electronic medicalrecords (EMR) fall unded the category of “shovel-ready” projects in the worlc of stimulus – meaning the technologgy exists and can be adopted rapidlu to put money in the economy.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Embers co-founder Henry Kristal dies - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
home, according to the St. Paul Pioneerd Press. He died from complications of recenyt surgery, the newspaper reported. The firstf Embers was opened in South Minneapolis in 1965 and 19 of the eateriesexist today. David Kristal, Henrgy Kristal's eldest son, is now CEO of St. Paul-based . For a David and his father appeared in television commercials promoting Embers Embers America alsoincludes Joey's Seafoord and Grill restaurants and Augeo Affinithy Marketing. Henry Kristal was born in 1932in Joliet, Ill. His familyt moved to St. Paul when he was 5-yearss old. His first job was as a newspapetr carrier. He learned about food and meatse while working athis father's butcher shop.
He is survivedf by his wife children, Jody, David, Danny, Adam and Marissas and nine grandchildren, accordingh to the Pioneer Press. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesdaty at the Temple of Aaron Synagoguein St.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
FACTBOX - Underlying US job growth weak by any measure - Reuters India | FACTBOX - Underlying US job growth weak by any measure Reuters India A man applies for a job at the Bank of America booth at the Congressional Black Caucus For The People Jobs Initiative job fair in Los Angeles, California August 31, 2011. By Jason Lange REUTERS - US jobs growth evaporated in August, increasing the risk ... Factbox: Underlying job growth weak by any measure US August Payroll Employment Disappointingly Weak |
Thursday, September 1, 2011
âThe Debtâ carries strong build up, ambiguous end - UT The Daily Texan
ABC News | âThe Debtâ carries strong build up, ambiguous end UT The Daily Texan Much of the disdain from the film's Toronto premiere came from the film's mor » |