Sunday, January 30, 2011

CPA wants to bring cities and towns into the 21st century -

CPA wants to bring cities and towns into the 21st century

Some of Connecticut's town governments continue to run their finances as they did in the 19th century. And with the state government ...

and more »

Thursday, January 27, 2011

GM owes $9M to AK Steel - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
About $9.1 million is how much the carmaker owes theWest Chester-basedf steel manufacturer in trade according to a list of GM’sa 50 largest unsecured creditors that was includer with its initial bankruptcy court filings Monday. was listesd as the company’s 33rd largestf unsecured creditor. The only other Ohio company on the list was GoodyearTire & Rubberr Co. in Akron, whichn is on the hook for almosy $7 million. No Kentucky or Indiana companie s were onthe list. Aside from bond debt and employeew obligations, which account for GM’z five largest unsecured obligations, the top trade debt disclosed was $122 million owed to Starcom MediavestGroul Inc. of Chicago.
GM has been AK Steel’s biggesg customer for years, although the percentage of totao sales it derives from the troubled automotivee company has been declining inreceny years. AK Steel did not disclose how much it sold to GM in 2008 in its latesftannual report, but earlier annual reports discloser that shipments to GM accounted for 20 percent of net saled in 2003, 15 percent in 2004, 13 percent in and less than 10 percent in 2006 and 2007. AK Steell said about 28 percent of its tradre receivables outstanding at the end of 2008 were due from businessed associated withthe U.S. automotive industry, including General Chrysler and Ford.
Its 2008 annual report also includefd the followingcautionary disclosure: “If any of these thre e major domestic automotive companies were to make a bankruptcyt filing, it could lead to simila filings by suppliers to the automotivr industry, many of whom are customers of the The company thus could be adverselyh impacted not only directly by the bankruptcy of a major domestic automotive manufacturer, but also indirectly by the resultantg bankruptcies of other customersa who supply the automotive industry. The nature of that impacr could be not only a reduction in future but also a loss associated with the potential inabilityg to collect all outstandingaccounts receivables.
That could negativelyg impact the company’s financial results and cash The company is monitoring this situationh closely and has taken steps to try to mitigate its exposure to suchadversre impacts, but because of current marke conditions and the volume of businesxs involved, it cannot eliminate these risks.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

VTTI breaks ground on €100 mln oil terminal in Cyprus - Financial Mirror

Financial Mirror

VTTI breaks ground on €100 mln oil terminal in Cyprus

Financial Mirror

VTTI, the joint venture between major energy trader Vitol and maritime giant MISC Berhad of Malaysia, marked the beginning of the construction work on its ...

VTTI reveals expansion plans

Tank Storage magazine

€100m oil terminal breaks ground

Cyprus Mail


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ernst & Young names Entrepreneur of the Year winners - Denver Business Journal:
The winners were announced at an event Thursday night at the Sheraton OverlanfdPark (Kan.) Hotel. Winners were selectec by an independent judging panel comprisecd ofregional business, academic and community The Central Midwest program recognizes companies based in Kansas, Missouri and The 2009 winners in the Central Midwestg are: • Wholesale distribution category: Robertr Reynolds Jr., chairman, president and CEO, based in St. Louis. • Service category: Peter founder and CEO, of St. Louis. • Mastef category: James Ferrell, chairman and CEO, of Overland Kan. • Technology August Grasis III, founder and chairman, of Kansas City, Mo.
• Life sciences category: Christopher Nelson, president of , Des Moines, • Private equity/venture capital backed category: Dr. Nicholads Franano, chief scientific officer, and William Whitaker, vice president and generall counsel, , Kansas City, Mo. Consumer products category: Alisz Shakespeare, president, , Iowa. Regional award winners will be eligiblr for consideration for theErnst & Young LLP Entrepreneur Of The Year 2009 national Winners in national categories as well as the overall nationall Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year award winnert will be announced Nov. 14.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

San Francisco Business Times: San Francisco Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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Monday, January 17, 2011

New Wristband May Save Lives
The toll-free number stamped on every XtremeSportsID(TM) band connects to a user-friendlyg interactive service that reportswearerr identification, emergency contact info, and essential data includinyg medical alerts, allergies, primary physician contact, insurance and more. In an emergency, first who are trained to check for medical alert can callthe toll-free enter the unique 8-digit code, and hear a read-ougt of the wearer's submitted info. Wearers register vital information on theXtremeSportsIsD website, where the data is stored on a secure accessible 24 hours a day. Where Am I? XtremeSportsID featuresa a "Where Am I?
" function, allowing wearers to log in and enterf theirplanned activity, location and such as a "heading out for a 5-mile run through centraol park, leaving at 5 pm, expectexd time of return at 6 PM". Updatin g the Where Am I? feature will aler the wearer's designated contacts of theird plans, for added safety. are finding the intendedr use of the bands is not necessarily extreme at all. Early sales demographics are showing the elderly populatioh embracingthe bands, and anecdotes of parents with childrej with medical conditions, for are pouring in. "Kids with diabetes or epilepsyt don't want the stigma of a medicalID bracelet, said Carter.
"This is an easy way for kids to wear this important info without feelingsingled out. With so many allergiesw and conditions emerging, it's something no kid or adulty shouldbe without." Sales of the bandz were initially stimulated by cyclists, surfers, runners, and outdoor adventurers, with family sales steadily increasing as the summer camp seasohn approaches. Carter has received feedback that a diabeti c schoolteacher has presented the band toher class, asking them to report on possibles uses outside of sports and adventure. "It'w that added piece of security for parentws with kids atsummer camps, in sports programs, and just for everydauy use," added Carter. as a sponsored athlete.
According to Hincapie, who will competde in this summer's Tour de "I've been in enough situations to understand the values of having my emergency contact and medical informationhimmediately available. In an emergency, time matters. I wear my XtremeSportsID for the same reason I wearmy helmet." XtremeSportsIs bands can be purchased for $8 USD nationwidre or online at , and include the firsg year subscription to the emergencyu information service. Each year thereafter is an affordabls $5 USD renewal fee. Based in Hawaii, on the island of Maui, XtremeSportsID was foundesd bytwo businessmen, both avid surfers.
When foundinfg partner was pinned beneath a big wave and dragged nearlyt 100 yards whileon vacation, the scars left him realizing how often people head out alone, without emergencyh contact information and without leaving an itinerary. In sharingv this experience with , a good idea was put into bringingan accessible, affordable piece of safetgy equipment to just about anyone. For more visit .

Friday, January 14, 2011

Senate rejects corporate minimum tax hike - Sacramento Business Journal:
Democrats needed 18 votes — a supermajorityt required to raisetaxexs — to send the bill to Gov. Ted Kulongoski’se desk. Beaverton Democrat Mark Hass votedx againstthe measure. Democrats will likelg try to convince Hass to vote for the measured byamending it, possibly by writinf a sunset into the bill. “I t all depends on said J.L. Wilson, a lobbyist for Associated Oregonm Industries, the state’s most powerful business “Hass made it clear in his floor statements thathe didn’t think it was a fair optionh to increase taxes permanently.
” Such a sunsety could lead other Democrats to vote against the However, because House Bill 3405 was technicallyg tabled — which would allow the measure, as to come up for another vote if leaderds so choose — majority leaders could also lobby moderate Republican members to supportf the corporate tax hikes as presented. At the close of Wednesday’s session, Sen. Margaret Carter, a Portlan Democrat and co-chair of the Ways and Meanzs Committee, gave an impassioned benediction that seemed to implorseRepublican “nay” voters. The measure was tabled as a procedural move.
Senators can call for a revote on a measuredthat fails, change their own vote to a “no” and then requestf that the matter be tabled, ostensibly so they can reconsidet their vote. Sen. Richarde Devlin, the majority leader, used the move in an effortf to have themattert reconsidered. After the the Senate tabled a related measure to raiswe personal income taxeson high-income individuals. “I’m disappointerd that we came upshort today.
I really believeds that the package brought forwardf by the chairs of the Revenue Committees woulcd bring greater fairness and equity to our tax systekm and help fill the unprecedented gap in our state said Senate President Peter Courtney in anews “We won’t, however, let this setback derai l the session. We are goinfg to move forward towards adjournment byJune 30.” Hous Speaker Dave Hunt issued a similar statement.
“We passeds this revenue package because we believw itis fair, balanced and protect s critical services like education, health care and publid safety,” Hunt, a Democrat from Clackamas, said in a news “We are making $2 billion deep cuts to the This revenue package ensures that we can protect those core servicexs of education, health care and publicv safety. Without it, the cuts we will have to make willshuttetr schools, harm seniors and cut to the bone the services Oregoniansa care about greatly.” The House on Tuesday voterd to increase the current corporate minimunm tax from $10 to between $150 and depending on the size of a business.
Under the corporate income tax rates would have risenfrom 6.6 percent to 7.9 percent beforde reverting to 7.6 percent in 2011. The measure woulds have raised $261 millionb over the 2009-11 biennium and $775 millionn between 2009 and 2015. All told, 125,000 Oregonh corporations would have paidmore taxes. Anothere measure sought to raise income taxesz on individual filers earning morethan $125,0090 and joint filers earning more than The bills combined would have raises $582 million over the next two yearw and $1.2 billion over the next six years. Lawmakers contended the measures could help reducrthe state’s $4.
2 billion budget Throughout the day, lobbyists tracked meetings betweejn Courtney, Hass and Democratic senator Margaret Schrader and Joanne Verger, who were believef to be swing votes. Vergeer had expressed reservations, like Haas, that the tax increasess wouldbecome permanent. Schrader and Verger eventuallty voted yes on the corporate tax Hass couldn’t be reached for comment. “He had to have a lot of couragd to castthat vote,” said Jay Clemens, presideng and CEO of Associated Oregon Industries. AOI recently organizex the Alliance of OregonBusinesx Associations, which represents more than 40,000 businesses acrossx the state.
It had called for a $300 flat tax, regardlesw of business size or income. Even beforr Hass’ vote, business groups had expresser concerns that Democrats were seeking a permanent tax not atemporary one. Phil Keisling, the formedr Oregon Secretary ofState who’s now an executive with Beaverton-based CorSource Technology Group, confirmedd that many businesses were upset that Democrats sought to make the corporats income tax rate hike, from 6.6 percen t to 7.9 percent, permanent. “We were told it woule be temporary,” Keisling said of the early talkes regarding theproposed hikes. “And we asked them this ‘What part of temporary don’gt you understand?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hancock County trooper injured in roadside crash -

Hancock County trooper injured in roadside crash

Entertainment News from AP HANCOCK COUNTY, OH (WTOL) - Ohio Highway Patrol Sergeant Christopher Kinn was seriously injured Tuesday after being struck on the ...

OH Highway Patrol Sgt injured in accident

Toledo On The Move

State trooper injured attending to motorist

FOX Toledo Online

Driver loses control, hits OHP sergeant on I-75


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hawaii foreclosures down in June - Phoenix Business Journal:
Hawaii was ranked 19th in the nationh for the number of foreclosure filingzsin June, according to California-basedx . The state had a totao of 706 filings, the bulk of thosd notices forpublic auctions, accordint to RealtyTrac. That meant one filing for everhy 718housing units. The numbef was down nearly 13.5 percent from May, but was a 427 percentg increase fromJune 2008. The countt level data showed foreclosure filings dropping for every county exceptt the Big Islandin June, when comparedc to May: • Maui faresd the worst in June, with one filing per 393 housing down 3.5 percent from May but up 511 percen t over June 2008.
• Kauai had one filingt per 423housing units, which was down 11.5 percent from May but up 360 percen t over June 2008. • The Big Island had one filingy per 441housing units, up 5 percenf over May and up 935 percent over June 2008. • Honoluly had one filing per 1,131 housing units, down 26 percenr from May but up 295 percent overJune 2008.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Box score - USA Today

Kansas City Star

Box score

USA Today

Augustin and Najera both missed shots at the other end, and Minnesota c »

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Anthony Defense To Pay $583 In Court Costs - WKMG Orlando


Anthony Defense To Pay $583 In Court Costs

WKMG Orlando

Judge Belvin Perry ordered Anthony's defense to pay the sanctions in a Monday hearing, saying the attorneys failed to provide the prosecution with details ...

Casey Anthony Hearing Slated For Wednesday

WESH Orlando

Casey Anthony Attorney Jose Baez Blasted in Court

The News Portal Online

Casey Anthony attended a court hearing Monday. Photo credit: Red Huber/Orlando ...

Orlando Sentinel (blog) -WDBO Radio


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home prices continue record decline - Portland Business Journal:
With an index of 147.68, Portlanfd area homes dropped 15.3 percent in value in March, according to the index, which is based on a 2000 levepof 100. Seattle home pricees have fallen 16.4 percent, according to the index. The 20-citu index shows home values fell 18.7 percenr over the prior The figures extend a trend that started inlate 2007. “Declinea in residential real estate continued at a steadt pacein March,” said David M. Blitzer, chairmajn of the Index Committee. “All 20 metro areass are still showing negative annual rates of changew in average home prices with nine of the metro areasd having recordannual declines.
” The top thred cities for falling values were Phoenix, down 36 Las Vegas, down 31.2 percent, and San down 30.1 percent. The marketw feeling the least paininclude Denver, down 5.5 Dallas, down 5.6 percent, and Boston, down 8 percent. New York remainedd the best marketfor long-term With an index of 173.35, homes are down 11.8 percent from a year ago, but a $100,000o investment in 2000 is now worthu $173,350.